Seri Mulia Sarjana School emerged as the champion in the inaugural Brunei Inter-School Dodgeball Tournament 2024, held at the Sekolah Menengah Pengiran Anak Puteri Hajah Masna Gymnasium on March 10th. The tournament, organized by the Brunei Dodgeball Association with support from the Co-Curriculum Education Department and Youth and Sports Department, aimed to promote dodgeball as a sport and encourage student participation in physical activities.

The event showcased intense matches and fierce competition among participating schools, highlighting the talent and skills of young athletes from various primary schools in Brunei. Led by Teachers Michael Quinto, Ahmad Shakir bin Haji Hassan, Mardiana binti Haji Hashim, Md Firdaus bin Haji Mohd Shahron, and Aimi Nur Azimah binti Haji Yahya, our team demonstrated exceptional teamwork, agility, strength, discipline, respect, and strategic gameplay, giving them a competitive edge.

The presence of Mr. Sukardi bin Kaderi, the Senior Education Officer and Head of the Physical and Recreational Section at the Co-Curriculum Education Department, as the Guest of Honour, added prestige to the tournament. His support and encouragement motivated participants to deliver their best performances and underscored the importance of Physical Education in schools.

Congratulations to the ‘Sarjana’ Dodgeball team for this historic victory! Well done!