Seri Mulia Sarjana primary School kicked off its 2025 Ice Breaking Activity for Years 1 to 6 from 4th to 9th January.
The Ice Breaking Activity is an annual program for our students at the beginning of the year to help them transition into the new year with enthusiasm. It allows them to apply what they have learned in previous years in a fun and engaging way. At Seri Mulia Sarjana, we believe learning extends beyond the four walls of the classroom. It thrives through real-world experiences, collaboration, and continuous curiosity.
Each year level participated in different activities, such as dodgeball, team-building exercises, traditional dance relays, and many more. These activities certainly set the minds and hearts of our learners in motion, preparing them for the challenges and excitement the year will bring. The goal of this event is to foster a sense of belonging and promote camaraderie among peers, regardless of cultural differences. There is no doubt that there is unity in diversity at our school!