Primary 2nd PTM
Heightened levels of communication and convenience were evident in the 2nd Parent-Teacher Meeting held on Friday, 31 August 2018 at the Primary Section, Seri Mulia Sarjana School. The stakeholders tried their very best in allotting time just to be with their children’s class teachers and subject teachers to share information about children’s development and to discuss behavioural, social and academic concerns.
The conventional 2nd PTM provided the children the opportunity to present their progress reports to their parents while elaborating on what went well and what could have been done better. Moreover, the students confidently faced their parents and proudly shared their accomplishments in the second term. The kids’ promises on improving academic performance in term 3 were among the sweetest words the parents are holding on to. Such made the 15 minute bonding more meaningful and unforgettable.
Awarding the certificates of recognition to those who showed exemplary performance during the second term culminated the event. A total of 47 awardees in Mandarin Essay Writing, ICAS (Digital technologies), Pizza Making, Primary School Science Olympiad National Competition and Asia Pacific Mathematical Olympiad for Primary schools respectively were honoured on the said ceremony.
Congratulations to the ‘Sarjanians’ who worked really hard to reach this far. Your success is our success as well! May you continue to shine in all your endeavours in the future.