Teachers Venugopala Kurup Rajeswariamma Rajesh and Melany S. Franco from SMSS Secondary Section attended a 4-day Professional Development Seminar on Badminton Technical Official. The event was held at the Theatre Room of Sekolah Sukan last 20th-23rd January 2020. This event, organized by Jabatan Pendidikan Kokurikulum Department  (JPKK), aims to impart basic knowledge and skills on umpiring in Badminton. This is a move to increase the number of qualified umpires and officials during badminton matches. Moreover, it is also a ground to identify among the participants potential officials in badminton who can be absorbed by the Technical Committee of Brunei National Badminton Association (BNBA). As a conclusion on the last day, the participants took both theoretical and practical exams. Overall, it was a fruitful, fun-filled, and meaningful event for everyone.