On the 22nd June 2020, we saw the return of our K1 students. Even though it was a tearful start of the day for some of our children, we were pleasantly surprised that for most of them it turned out to be a rather smooth drop off.
The first week was dedicated to reorient our toddlers to physical learning. Without overwhelming them with too much information about the pandemic, our teachers briefly explained to them why they were seated away from their friends and why it is necessary to have good health behaviours, such as covering our mouths when coughing and sneezing, especially during this time. Our teachers also reassured the children that they can prevent the spread of germs through regular hand washing as they sing along the ‘Happy Birthday’ song.
Since their arrival, they have been making themselves busy with various activities such as vertical writing and drawing wherein they would scribble or draw on a big paper posted on the wall, revision of letter sounds and numbers, and paper cutting activities. They also spent their day exploring the ways that different objects (e.g. rocks, sand paper, pillow) feel through texture play. In just less than a week, our children were seen trying new ways of exploring and engaging themselves physically. Pictured are some of the magnificent examples of work created by our children over at K1.
K1 Exciting return