14th January 2021 was indeed a momentous day for Seri Mulia Sarjana School as Ethan Cheam Kai Jun received the prestigious First Place in Brunei for Best Across Eight Cambridge O Levels award and the Top 10 in the World for Business Studies during the Anugerah Pelajar Cemerlang/ Outstanding Achievers’ Awards 2019 held at the Chancellor’s Hall, Universiti Brunei Darusalam, organised by the Ministry of Education (MoE) through the Department of Schools, Department of Examinations, the Private Education Section and the Special Education Unit in collaboration with the Cambridge Assessment International Educations (CAIE). Ethan also achieved the second highest mark in the world for Cambridge O Level Business Studies. This awarding aimed to acknowledge and appreciate students who achieved academic excellence, particularly in national public examinations. The award also serves as an appreciation towards the parents/guardian for their continuous cooperation and support.
The first session of the ceremony highlighted students’ excellent achievements in the Brunei Cambridge GCE ‘A’ level/International Baccalaureate and Brunei Cambridge G.C.E ‘AS’ level Examinations October/November 2019. Present as the Guest of honour was Yang Mulia Datin Seri Paduka Dr. Hajah Romaizah binti Haji Mohd. Salleh, Deputy Minister of Education, Brunei Darussalam. Cambridge Outstanding Achievers’ Award recipients received trophies, certificates and prizes from the Cambridge Assessment International Education Board. Also attending the ceremony were Permanent Secretary (Core Education), Ministry of Education; Deputy Permanent Secretary (Core Education), Ministry of Education; Directors and Senior Officers, school leaders and also parents and guardians of award recipients.
Ethan joined SMSS Secondary in 2015 after he graduated from Primary at SMSIS. Since then, he achieved various feats in different categories such as ICAS Gold medal for Science, Distinction Awards for English and Mathematics, Top in Subjects for Chemistry, Business Studies, Physics, Biology, Commerce, POA, Mathematics D and he was also given the TAIB Award. Moreover, since Year 7 until he graduated in Year 11, he was a consistent Top Student in the Science Stream.
Congratulations Ethan! The whole SMSS is truly proud of your wonderful achievement.