A good teaching and learning experience takes place when open communication occurs between teachers and students. A lack thereof might put the experience at risk of losing great opportunities for learning.
In order to sustain the good quality teaching SMSS teachers are known for, all teachers and staff from the preschool section have set aside time for professional development (PD) workshop that will help them enhance their English communication skills. Through this endeavor, not only teachers will gain the benefits of being competent and confident communicators but also the students who interact with them every day. Facilitated by the section’s deputy principal for academics, Ms. Cecilia Landingin, the half day PD covered specific English grammar competencies and enhanced composition skills. In this workshop, teachers were encouraged to speak and share how having good communication skills have helped them when talking to stakeholders and teaching the students. Furthermore, everyone got a chance to practice and share their own learning targets while at the same time, criticizing other teachers’ work. For best results, each teacher will be doing some extended work about what they have learned from the PD that will continue throughout the year. This will culminate with a group presentation attended by the principals towards the end of the academic year.