Our very own SMSS Choir got the privilege to be part of a momentous event held on the evening of 2nd March 2019 in Pusat Belia, Bandar Seri Begawan as organised by Kris Karmilla Kreations Co. in collaboration with Kelab Komuniti Belia Transformasi (KKBT). Our students which comprised of 4 primary and 19 secondary students showcased their singing prowess as they gave their rendition of the song “Jiwaku Patriotik” (Patriotic Souls) in conjunction with the 35th Brunei National Day Celebration. The entralled audience got amazed by the song number and this certainly gave our students the sense of pride and accomplisment. The choir is under the supervision of Tr Garth Borrero assisted by Teachers Francis Bellarde and Elicer Geronga.